Bathe in hand-made wooden tubs filled with the same natural extracts that are used to brew Estonian beer – selected varieties of hops and malt. The hop steam in the sauna promotes overall vitality and helps open pores. The high dose of vitamin B and active enzymes in malt helps nourish and revitalize the skin. This unique combination of natural ingredients stimulates metabolism, helps detoxify the body and ease fatigue and stress, resulting in an ideal combination of mental and physical relaxation. During the beer spa, guests can enjoy an unlimited amount of fresh artisan beer brewed in Raasiku.
Beer Spa for 1-2 persons (1 tub) 135€/1,5 hours
extra 0,5 hours (if possible) 40€
Beer Spa for 3-4 persons (2 tubs) 250€/1,5 hours
Extra 0,5 hour (9f possible) 60€, extra person 45€
This includes snacks, towels and our body oil “Eternal Youth” - made in-house. After the beer spa procedures you can cool down by the fireplace. Extra person: 45, extra 0,5 hours (if possible) 40.-
After contacting us by email, confirm your reservation by payment: Aamann OÜ, IBAN: EE467700771002699719, BIC: LHVBEE22 XXX (please include the date & time of your reservation)
Estonian sauna is a bit colder than Finnish. The temperature is around 60-80 degrees – optimal for relaxation. Steam is generated with the help of stones heated by natural firewood.